RQ_FB_GCC_Speed_Test.Exe is compiled with RQPC and requires RapidQ32.Dll preferable Paul'sversion version 1.09 RQ_FB_GCC_Speed_Test.Exe can be recompiled by RC.Exe as usual. FB_Funcs.Inc and GCC_Funcs.Inc are created by FbToRqInc from FB_Funcs.Bas and GCC_Funcs.C++. They are included in the RQ_FB_GCC_Speed_Test.Bas and are required to compile it. Function in GCC_Funcs.Inc are compiled with GCC with flag optimize set, this generates an optimized assembler I have never been able to make better. GCC function are 2 to 4 times faster than FB ones. In the OpenGlFuncs.Zip file are the AS assembler source code (.s) he intermediary object file (.o) and the final binary (.bin) for each function. FB functions are from 200 to 500 times faster than RapidQ ones GCC optimized ones are 500 To 1000 times faster than RQ ones Jacques june 6th, 2008